On behalf of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oklahoma, and it's Affiliated
Adoptive bodies, I extend fraternal greetings and felicitations from "The Land of the Morning Calm", Korea.
District 21, Oklahoma is located on the peninsula of South
Korea, we have lodges, chapters, commanderies, courts and palaces throughout the peninsula, operating under the auspices of
the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oklahoma. Our Most Worshipful Grand Master, is Dr.Deary Vaughn.
I commend the efforts of my District Deputy Grand Master,
Charles L. Perkins, the entire district staff, Worshipful Masters and every one of our members in and out of country for your
commitment and dedication.
To all members of District 21, we should all take pride in
our institution and display that pride whenever we have the occasion to wear our regalia in public. We should allow our friends
and neighbors to see Prince Hall's finest. This is what "we" are all about and should show the world our progress and togetherness.
Then too, we should look upon our brothers and sisters as family, not as one of the black race or one of the white race, but
as the human race. If we are to grow we must return to that place where some good brother or sister previously came and took
our hand in theirs and asked us to step up with them.
Warmest regards,
Sovereign Grand Inspector General
email: orderofthegoldencircle@yahoo.com